Devotional Method.
* The book recommends starting with the least ‘technical’ end of Bible Study, in order to learn the key skill of ‘Application’ without which Bible Study is just about knowledge.
Here's a summary of Rick's instructions. There is a link to the form you need at the end of this section. Try going through 2 Corinthians 1 with this method, and we'll compare notes next Thursday night. Then post comments to let me know that this makes sense, whether or not you've accessed the form ok, and how your study is going.
Four Steps to application, as outlined on the form provided:
1: Pray for insight.
* Ask God’s help to apply the passage to your life.
* Ask to be able to obey Him.
* Ask to be able to share His truth with others.
* On the form, tick that you’ve done this, or note anything specific you asked.
2: Meditate by one, some or all of these methods, and make notes of your thoughts and observations:
* Visualized narrative:
Put yourself in a Biblical situation, or in a Biblical character’s shoes. Note your thoughts, reactions and feelings.
* Word Emphasis:
Go through a verse or phrase emphasizing different words in turn, and note what you learn.