Friday, February 10, 2012

Rubbish at Bible Study 7: The next 2 weeks

Hi everyone.

Thanks for your input, honesty and enthusiasm to everyone who was able to come yesterday.

If you weren't able to come, don't worry - it's easy to keep up, here are the instructions for the next 2 weeks.

1: Word Study:
If you are in the middle of one you are enjoying, keep going!
If not, try studying 'Hope' in the writing of Paul, or 'Believe' in John's Gospel.
Other people have enjoyed studying 'Grace' 'Righteousness' Lovingkindness' or 'Heaven' so keep going and enjoy!

If you look at previous posts you will find some online starting points for some of these studies.

2: Devotional Study:
Using the template linked from a previous post, study 2 Corinthians 1, and move on to chapter 2 if you have finished.

Don't forget, there is a commentary on the Biblegateway 'Other Resources' page if you want to understand more of the background to Paul's journeys and relationship with the church in Corinth.

Use SPACEPETS to help you dig into the content to find an application.

3: If you have done anything you have found helpful, or hit a problem, or tried another approach that you enjoyed (e.g. paraphrase) please add a comment to this piece, or any other relevant one.

Thanks, have fun!

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