Saturday, February 6, 2010

G: Types of Fast:

G: Types of Fast:

You can fast from:
Evening meal(s)
2 meals
All food for a day
TV for a day/a week – that's a MASSIVE one for 21st Century Westerners
Internet – ditto
Emails – ditto ditto!
Computer Games
Online Games

...... or indeed, anything neutral or good that you might like or love too much, which could become too high a priority for you, and distract you from the main calling in all our lives – to know, love and glorify God.

Biblically, in terms of Fasting from food, there are 3 types of Fast:
'Partial' fast: Specific selected types of food (Daniel did this)
'Normal' fast: Drink, but no food – the most common Biblical fast.
'Absolute' fast: No food or drink – this is VERY RARE, God ordained, and often Biblically involves supernatural sustenance.

This means that if God hasn't called you to do this, it's risky, so don't!
Avoid the Absolute Fast unless you are clearly prompted, and then be accountable. Let someone who will look out for you, and who understands your call in this situation, keep an eye on you and check you are OK.

(NB: Fasting can be individual, Daniel did, Jesus did, Wesley wouldn't allow anyone to lead one of his Churches unless they committed to fast individually on Wednesdays and Fridays! This was actually based on an early Church teaching manual called 'The Didache.' Or Fasting can be Group or Corporate Fasting.)

Finally, especially in terms of fasting from food – but maybe in other areas too, start small and increase, don't go straight for a marathon without training.

As you start small, note and record somehow what you learn,
how it helps,
what was difficult,
what was tempting or distracting,
and what you could do next time to make your fast more effective and fruitful.
That's how you learn.

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