Wednesday, March 21, 2012

E: 1 Timothy - General Comments

Please add below any comments on the book's Category, Key Words, Key verses, Literary Style, Emotional Tone, Main Theme(s) and Major People.

All of this should begin to help you think through the overall message of 1 Timothy.

Next week I will try to put up sections that will help to organise (y)our thoughts about the structure of 1 Timothy.


  1. During his fourth missionary journey Paul had instructed Timothy to care for the church at Ephesus (1:3) while he went on to Macedonia.

    When he realised that he might not return to Ephesus in the near future (3:14-15) he wrote this first letter to Timothy:
    1: to develop the charge he had given his young assistant (1:3, 18)
    2: to refute false teachings (1:3-7; 4:1-8; 6:3-5,20-21)
    3: to supervise the affairs of the growing Ephesian church
    4: and the appointment of qualified church leaders, 3:1-13; 5:17-25).

    A major problem in the Ephesian church was a heresy that combined Gnosticism, decadent Judaism (1:3-7) and false asceticism (4:1-5).

    1. Paul's closeness to and admiration for Timothy:

      Paul names him as the co-sender of six of his letters (2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians, 1,2 Thessalonians and Philemon)

      He speaks highly of him to the Philippians (Php 2:19-22)

      At the end of Paul's life he requested Timothy to join him at Rome (2Ti 4:9,21)

      According to Heb 13:23, Timothy himself was imprisoned and subsequently released.

      Timothy was not an apostle. He was an apostolic representative, delegated to carry out special work (cf. Tit 1:5).

  2. Long biog of Timothy, inc. family background:
